Friday 17 March 2017

Blood Test Report Interpretation - White Cell Count / Leucocyte Count

White Cell Count / White Blood Cells

Leucopenia - when less white blood cells , <4.0 x 10⁹
Leucocytosis - when more white blood cells, > 11 x 10⁹

Low WBC - post chemo / radiotherapy , leukemia, (with low neutrophils)

High WBC - bacterial infection, response to stress, inflammation (with high neutrophils), burns, crush injury , 

High Eosinophils - Allergic Reactions, Asthma, Hay Fever, Parasitic Infection

High Basophils - IgE mediated allergic reaction

High Monocytes - Chronic Infection like Tuberculosis, Bacterial Endocarditis, Malaria, Rickets

High Lymphocytes - Viral Infections - Hepatitis A, EBV, CMV

Low Lymphocytes - Viral Infections / Malnutrition / Fasting / Steroid / Post Chemo

For more information, please whatapps to 017-2822923 Klinik Medilove Kepong


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